Seven Methods To Help You Switch From Angry To Calm In Seconds (Forbes)

Stay calm. Remain cool. Keep composed. It’s easy for people to say this is how you should react when you’re feeling angry, frustrated or disrespected at work. In theory, many of us would agree. The problem is that we don’t know how to actually do it. For most of us, our first “normal” reaction to experiencing negative emotions is often reactive. Our anger comes …

Lisa Christen To Speak at ATD2021

The Association for Talent Development (ATD) is a professional membership organization supporting those who develop the knowledge and skills of employees around the world. They host the premier international gathering for talent development practitioners. [Zug, 6 November 2020] — Lisa Christen, CEO of Christen Coaching & Consulting GmbH, has been invited to speak at the Association for Talent Development’s ATD 2021 …

14 Things To Do Before Quitting A Job To Become An Entrepreneur (Forbes)

If you’re thinking about leaving a stable job to start your own business, you likely already know that there are considerable risks involved. Of course, the risks are often worth the reward of pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams. While having confidence in your idea and your ability to bring it to life is essential, it’s also important to set yourself up …

11 Ways To Help Your Clients Manage Their Inner Critic

Most of our coaching clients are all-too-familiar with the nagging voice of doubt and criticism inside their heads. This voice, often referred to as the Inner Critic, is one of the key roadblocks holding our clients back from achieving their coaching goals. But is that voice the authentic voice of our client, or is it just a part? What wisdom …

Chief Reputation Officer

Five Reasons Your Company Needs A Chief Reputation Officer (Forbes)

WeWork. Enron. Volkswagen. Wells Fargo. Uber. What comes to mind when you read this list of (in)famous company names? Scandal. The reasons these highly-successful brands went from best-in-class to tabloid headline may seem varied, but ultimately, they had the same root cause: These companies didn’t place a priority on proactive reputation management. Reputation is all about trust; it’s about how …

Problem With Your Boss? Here’s How To Give Constructive, Helpful Feedback (Forbes)

Providing constructive feedback to a colleague can feel uncomfortable, but when it’s to your boss, it’s downright nerve-wracking. However, if they are doing something that negatively impacts you or the company, it’s important to speak up and let them know.  Striking the right balance is key here: You want to offer your honest perspective, but you don’t want to come …

Giving Feedback? 15 Ways To Keep It Constructive (Forbes)

Feedback is an incredibly valuable tool that can help your employees grow and reach their full potential. But it can also have the opposite effect if that feedback is pointed and negative. There’s a fine line between constructive criticism and harmful criticism, and as leaders and colleagues, it’s important to understand the difference.  Click to gain insights and read tips …

How to Connect with Anyone, Human to Human

Have you ever walked into a networking event, heart racing and feeling slightly overwhelmed, wondering why you decided to come (and wanting to immediately run away)? If so, congratulations: You’re human! We humans are hardwired to seek social connection because a sense of belonging is critical for our survival. Whenever we enter a room full of strangers, our brains have …