Remember the big red X your teacher would draw across your exam, highlighting all the mistakes you’d made and questions you’d answered incorrectly? Was that really the best motivator to improve your performance? The latest research says no! Instead, focusing on your strengths — and leading your team based on their strengths — has been shown to significantly improve how …
In Order To Play Big, You Must Jailbreak Your Mind (Forbes)
A few years ago, I was attending a conference and was excited to see one of my personal heroes speaking live. At the opening ceremony, the event moderator told the audience “We are offering special one-on-one coaching sessions live with this guru today, but be quick — his schedule’s already filled up and there’s only one coaching spot left! The sign-up …
(VIDEO) Executive Presence: How to Show Up Like a Leader
Who do you know that walks into a room and gravity seems to shift? That everyone’s attention is pulled in their direction. They speak with such conviction, passion, and authenticity that others say, I need to listen! They carry themselves in such a way that others believe that is a leader. That’s the power of Executive Presence. If you want …
Five Ways Leaders Can Effectively Deal With Low-Performing Team Members (Forbes)
If a team is only as strong as its weakest member, how strong is your team’s performance? In the fast-paced digital era, dominated by uncertainty and a need for speed, a company with teams who can’t work quickly, creatively and efficiently together risks becoming obsolete. It’s a simple fact: If you can’t deliver enough value, customers will go elsewhere. Enough …
13 Ways To Ensure Things Run Smoothly When Leaders Are Absent (Forbes)
While it can be difficult for business leaders to let go of their obligations at work for even a brief period of time, they will inevitably need to take some time off at some point. Leaders need to figure out in advance how to keep things running smoothly when they’re not there, as absences are sometimes unavoidable. This requires a …
How To Improve A Company Culture Without Overhauling It: 13 Key Steps (Forbes)
A strong company culture motivates employees and imparts a sense of belonging to the entire organization. Sometimes, though, certain elements of the culture are negative, or even toxic; and it’s up to company leaders to spot these issues and deal with them. Although some company cultures might need a complete overhaul to rectify deeper problems at a foundational level, this …
Enhancing Decision-Making Skills: 12 Tips For Overthinking Executives (Forbes)
Indecisiveness or trouble making decisions can be crippling for senior business leaders. For executives heading up critical projects or large departments, their decisions can have a big impact on the health of the company. With so much riding on the choices they make, the “analysis paralysis” phenomenon can overwhelm them. If they begin to overthink and second-guess every move they …
The Future of Work: The Human Skills Required for 21st Century Leadership (Podcast)
Our CEO Lisa Christen was recently interviewed on the SalesPOP! podcast featuring John Golden about the future of work and how to be a future-fit leader. In the 20th-century, the business focus was on stability and uniformity. The 21st century is the complete opposite. Business in the 21st century is fast paced, digitalized, and innovative. Thus, in this Expert Insight …
How To Use Expansive Thinking To Unlock Your Team’s Collective Intelligence (Forbes)
The 21st century has seen the immense rise of teams in the workplace. It’s an obvious solution to handle the complex and fast-moving challenges we’re facing today; there simply are few problems we can solve alone anymore. But collaborative overload is emerging. The Harvard Business Review found this leads to anxious and overworked employees. Worse still, their research shows that often only 3%-5% of …
Lisa Christen Named Among Best Executive Coaches in Zurich
Lisa Christen has been named among best Executive Coaches in Zurich. The team at Influence Digest did extensive research to find the Top 20 Executive Coaches In Zurich In 2021. Lisa Christen, CEO of Christen Coaching & Consulting GmbH, has been named #7 on the list. Influence Digest highlighted Lisa for her work in helping executives build great team cultures and get …