Giving Feedback? 15 Ways To Keep It Constructive (Forbes)

Feedback is an incredibly valuable tool that can help your employees grow and reach their full potential. But it can also have the opposite effect if that feedback is pointed and negative. There’s a fine line between constructive criticism and harmful criticism, and as leaders and colleagues, it’s important to understand the difference.  Click to gain insights and read tips …

How to Connect with Anyone, Human to Human

Have you ever walked into a networking event, heart racing and feeling slightly overwhelmed, wondering why you decided to come (and wanting to immediately run away)? If so, congratulations: You’re human! We humans are hardwired to seek social connection because a sense of belonging is critical for our survival. Whenever we enter a room full of strangers, our brains have …

Time Management

How To Thrive in Ambiguity: The Simple Six-Step Process

The human brain wasn’t designed to deal with an overload of rapid change, uncertainty and ambiguity. Unfortunately, whether we’re equipped to deal with it or not, these conditions are an unavoidable reality in the modern world. Our clients are searching for ways to create consistent certainty where certainty does not—or cannot—exist. After all, the very definition of ambiguity means that …

11 Ways To Tell If An Industry Networking Event Is Worth Your Time (Forbes)

As they say, time is money—and this even holds true for networking events. While attending business masterminds and networking events can be of huge benefit, not every event is going to be relevant or necessary for every professional. And while you’re busy attending the event, other opportunities could be passing you by. Understanding the value an event brings you is …

How Fear of Judgment Holds Leaders Back from Achieving Their Full Potential

Author’s note: I coach a lot of executives and I’ve noticed only one key skill that differentiates the best performers from the good performers: how they deal with other people’s judgment. In my latest article for the International Coaching Federation magazine Coaching World, I explore how fear of judgment holds leaders back from achieving their full potential. Jeff Bezos has …

Lisa Christen Joins CRO.SWISS Board of Experts

CRO.SWISS provides services to establish reputation management best practices in organizations and advocates for the function of the Chief Reputation Officer at C-Level. [Zug, 8 April 2020] — Lisa Christen, CEO of Christen Coaching & Consulting GmbH, has been invited to join the Board of Experts for CRO.SWISS, a competence platform providing reputation management best practices. The CRO.SWISS Board of …

14 Ways To Build Positive, Friendly Relationships With Your Colleagues (Forbes)

Whether you work in an office or on a remote team, it’s important to nurture bonds with your peers and other colleagues. Befriending your co-workers can not only make you feel more connected to your job, but it can also increase your success on the job. While it’s easy for some people to build workplace relationships, it doesn’t come as …

Want To Land A Major Speaking Gig? Try These 14 Coach-Recommended Tips (Forbes)

Being invited to speak at a major conference is a great professional honor. This type of gig can do wonders for your career and personal brand, and it allows you to introduce yourself as an industry expert to a wide audience of potential professional connections. If you’re looking to take this step, you may not know where to begin. Click …

Running A Peer-To-Peer Coaching Group? 14 Ways To Keep Sessions On Track (Forbes)

No two coaching clients are the same. Each person has unique experiences, goals, needs and personality traits, and you must coach them accordingly. It’s easy to account for these differences in individual coaching sessions, but peer-to-peer groups can present additional challenges for both you and the group participants. When leading these sessions, your job is to ensure everyone is cordial, …