Most of us think of relaxing or sleeping a little more when taking a rest. But that’s only one way of taking a rest (physical). What about the 6 other types of rest? From emotional and spiritual rest to creative and social rest, there are many surprising insights into the science of proper rest. If you’re looking to reach your …
Supercharge Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) with Emotional Articulation
This article was based on the presentation our CEO Lisa Christen gave at the Association for Talent Development conference ATD2021. The Association for Talent Development (ATD) is a professional membership organization supporting those who develop the knowledge and skills of employees around the world. They host the premier international gathering for talent development practitioners. Many individuals have learned that a key step …
(VIDEO) It’s OK to Not Be OK! How To Make Mental Health A Priority with Jan Mühlfeit and Lisa Christen
Simone Biles withdrew from the Olympics. Bella Hadid posted her daily tears on Instagram. Prince Harry left the British royal family. May is Mental Health Awareness Month – and to celebrate, we’re normalizing mental health as a priority topic! On the back of the COVID-19 pandemic, now more than ever we need to talk about mental health. Yet for most …
(VIDEO) How To Handle FOPO (Fear of Other People’s Opinions) with Jan Mühlfeit and Lisa Christen
It’s only human to be filled with dread about being negatively judged by others. How much of our days, weeks, months, years do we spend worrying: what are people going to think of me!? Nobody wants to look stupid or incompetent. Yet it’s exactly this fear of looking stupid that holds us back from giving our all — and reaching …
(VIDEO) Special Guest Simon Alexander Ong, Author of Energize with Jan Mühlfeit and Lisa Christen
Your energy is everything: it is the fuel that drives your success and it gives you the power to achieve your potential. So how can you be your best self if you’re always tired, stressed and burnt out? We’re thrilled to host award-winning life coach Simon Alexander Ong to tell us all the tips from his new book, Energize. Energize …
(VIDEO) Human Leadership is The Future with Jan Mühlfeit and Lisa Christen
AI, blockchain, cloud… all the tech buzzwords that fill our newsfeed will never replace the most essential element of a company’s success: the human element. Without great leadership, tech will fail. But why do we humans keep trying to act like computers? Working 24/7, trying to know all the answers. Any work that can easily be replaced by a computer …
(VIDEO) F*ck Up Nights: Hear All About Our Worst Mistakes (So You Don’t Have to Repeat Them!) with Jan Mühlfeit and Lisa Christen
We all make mistakes, sure – but how many of us are willing to share them publicly? We are! Join retired Chairman of Microsoft Europe / Olympic mental coach Jan Mühlfeit and top-rated CEO / Executive Coach Lisa Christen as we share our best worst practices and advice for how to totally mess things up! We’re sharing these stories to …
(VIDEO) Taking Risks: How To Stop Being Scared and Start Being Successful with Jan Mühlfeit and Lisa Christen
Do you focus on the problems… or do you focus on the possibilities? The only difference between truly successful people and moderately successful people is the number of big risks they’re willing to take to make their dreams happen. If you find yourself in meetings saying things like “That won’t work because…” or “I can’t do that because…” — then …
(VIDEO) The Power of Routines: How They Can Transform Your Life with Jan Mühlfeit and Lisa Christen
If routines sound boring, you’ve been lied to! Routines are the ticket to thriving at work (and in life). Those who are doing routine right will swear by this gamechanger – go ask any athlete. So why don’t most of us in the business world follow routines? Because we’ve been encouraged to follow other people’s routines. Look at how Steve …
(VIDEO) Navigating Conflict: How To Make It Work For You Instead of Against You with Jan Mühlfeit and Lisa Christen
Is conflict in the workplace inevitable? Yes. But should we be trying to avoid and resolve all conflict? No! Conflict comes from our differences in what we believe, how we think, and how we feel. It comes from differences in how we view ourselves and how we view the world. Healthy conflict is the “secret sauce” to making an exceptional …