Most new business owners will face financial woes at some point along their entrepreneurial journey. When they’re just starting out, cash isn’t in abundant supply very often, so owners have to focus on lean operations and stick to a firm budget. Even after taking these steps, it’s not uncommon for a new owner to worry about having enough money to keep their business going.
Click here to gain insights and read tips from Forbes Coaches Council coaches as they share tips to help entrepreneurs worry less about money and get back to doing what they love: growing their businesses.
Our CEO Lisa Christen‘s tip was featured:
Focus On Getting It Right, Not The Results
The secret to success is never focusing on the results—instead, focus on excellence within the process and on what is in your control. Want to ensure that you’re highly likely to make sales? Obsess over the customer experience. Want to ensure a phenomenal product-market fit? Deeply listen to a customer’s reasons when they don’t buy, and adjust the product accordingly. Focus on getting it right, and the money will follow.
Lisa Christen, CEO, Christen Coaching & Consulting